## Coordinate Reference systems
## Coordinate Reference systems
In the following, for any coordinate $`j`$ of a reference system, the corresponding versor is defined as $`\hat{\bf e}_j = \nabla j / \lvert \nabla j \rvert`$. A few **right-handed** coordinate systems are used in the code:
In this documentation, the following notation is used:
- a bold font is used for vector quantities, e.g. $`{\bf v}`$, a normal font for their magnitude, e.g. $`v = \lVert {\bf v} \rVert`$, and for scalar values in general.
- for any coordinate $`j`$ of a reference system, the corresponding versor is defined as $`\hat{\bf e}_j = \nabla j / \lVert \nabla j \rVert`$.
A few **right-handed** coordinate systems are used in the code:
- The **tokamak** reference system, sed to define the beam launch point, the magnetic equilibrium, the first wall shape, and the beam trajectory.
- The **tokamak** reference system, sed to define the beam launch point, the magnetic equilibrium, the first wall shape, and the beam trajectory.
It can be alternatively expressed:
It can be alternatively expressed:
- In **Cartesian** coordinates $`(x, y, z)`$.
- In **Cartesian** coordinates $`(x, y, z)`$.
- In **cylindrical** coordinates $`(R, φ, Z)`$, sharing the origin the vertical axis $`z = Z`$ with the Cartesian system
- In **cylindrical** coordinates $`(R, φ, Z)`$, sharing the origin the vertical axis $`z = Z`$ with the Cartesian system.
The transformation from the cylindrical to the Cartesian system given by:
The transformation from the cylindrical to the Cartesian system given by:
x = R \cos\phi \quad y = R \sin\phi \quad z = Z
x = R \cos\phi, \quad y = R \sin\phi, \quad z = Z
The $`z`$-axis is the tokamak symmetry axis. and $`z = 0`$ is typically at the tokamak mid-plane.
The $`z`$-axis is the tokamak symmetry axis, and $`z = 0`$ is typically at the tokamak mid-plane.
For the purpose of the physics analysis it may be convenient to rotate this coordinate system around the $`z`$-axis, so that the launching point is at $`\phi = 0`$, i.e., in the $`xz`$-plane. In this case, at the launching point $`\hat{\bf e}_x`$ points radially outward, and $`\hat{\bf e}_y = \hat{\bf e}_\phi`$ is pointing in the counter clockwise direction when viewed from above.
For the purpose of the physics analysis it may be convenient to rotate this coordinate system around the $`z`$-axis, so that the launching point is at $`\phi = 0`$, i.e., in the $`xz`$-plane. In this case, at the launching point $`\hat{\bf e}_x`$ points radially outward, and $`\hat{\bf e}_y = \hat{\bf e}_\phi`$ is pointing in the counter clockwise direction when viewed from above.
... | @@ -23,11 +30,39 @@ In the following, for any coordinate $`j`$ of a reference system, the correspond |
... | @@ -23,11 +30,39 @@ In the following, for any coordinate $`j`$ of a reference system, the correspond |
- beam polarisation angles
- beam polarisation angles
This Cartesian system $`(\tilde x, \tilde y, \tilde z)`$ is co-moving with the beam. At any point along the beam path, it has:
This Cartesian system $`(\tilde x, \tilde y, \tilde z)`$ is co-moving with the beam. At any point along the beam path, it has:
- origin on the beam axis
- origin on the beam axis
- $`\tilde z`$-axis aligned with the on-axis wavevector $`k`$
- $`\tilde z`$-axis aligned with the on-axis wavevector $`{\bf k}`$
- $`\tilde x`$-axis in the **tokamak**
- $`\tilde x`$-axis in the **tokamak** horizontal plane
\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde x} = (\hat{\bf e}_{z} \times {\bf k})/
\lVert \hat{\bf e}_{z} \times {\bf k} \rVert, \quad
\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde y} = \hat{\bf e}_{\tilde z} \times \hat{\bf e}_{\tilde x}, \quad
\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde z} = {\bf k}/k
In case $`{\bf k} \parallel \hat{\bf e}_z`$ the above expression for $`\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde x}`$ is undefined, and $`\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde x} = -\hat{\bf e}_{\phi}`$ is used instead.
> Check sign of $`\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde x}`$ (both cases)
- The local **plasma** system, where the local plasma dispersion relation is solved. In this Cartesian system $`(\bar x, \bar y, \bar z)`$:
- the local magnetic field $`B`$ is along the $`\bar z`$-axis
- the wavevector is in the $`\bar{x}\bar{z}`$-plane
\hat{\bf e}_{\bar x} = \hat{\bf e}_{\bar y} \times \hat{\bf e}_{\bar z}, \quad
\hat{\bf e}_{\bar y} = ({\bf B} \times {\bf k})/
\lVert {\bf B} \times {\bf k} \rVert, \quad
\hat{\bf e}_{\bar z} = {\bf B}/B
In case $`{\bf k} \parallel {\bf B}`$ the above expression for $`\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde y}`$ is undefined, and ...
> Missing definition for the case $`{\bf k} \parallel {\bf B}`$
- The local **plasma-wave** system, where the local plasma dispersion relation is solved.
> Check sign of $`\hat{\bf e}_{\tilde y}`$
## Quasi-optical approximation
## Quasi-optical approximation
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