-alfa- -beta- : alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
170 : f (GHz)
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
11 16 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
-x0- 0. -z0- : x00 y00 z00 (cm) mirror position (y00=0 !)
2.1 2.1 162 162 0 : w0xt w0yt pw0xt pw0yt awr (cm) [pw0>0 towards plasma]
2 : ibeam=0 uses data above, >0 read from file beam data (1,2,3)
-beam- : filename.txt for beam data max(character*16)
2 0 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK;indXpoint
1 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical dens & temp profiles
2 5 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans
11 : ieccd 0/1 NO/YES ECCD calculation
1 2001 : ipec=0/1 profiles in dpsi/drhop; nnd=no. intervals +1 (=< 501)
.2 8000 100 5 0 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, istprj,istpl,ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
1 1 4.04 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam), ipass=1/2 passes in plasma, R_wall(m)
1 0 0 : IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psi_pol_ant chi_pol_ant
-equil- : filename EQDSK : filename.eqdsk max(character 16)
0 0.001 : ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], sspl spline coeff psi
1 1 1 1 : factb, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal, factT factn scal.
-prf- : filename profiles : filename.prf max(character*16)
1.015 : psi plasma boundary
-1 -1 11 : signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, icocos (0 old case, 11 iter)
8 4 4 : dens190 aln1,aln2 (10^19 m-3)
15 0 2 4 : te0,dte0,alt1,alt2 (keV)
2 : Zeff
620 0 180 : rr0 zr0 a (cm)
5.3 : b0 (T)
1 3 2 : q0,qa alq